THA Homestead Quilters
The THA Homestead Quilters offer a variety of quilting programs such as quilt shows, quilting techniques and the Tumwater Area Quilt Registry (which now includes nearly 500 antique and vintage quilts). They also taught quilting to the TMS Homesteader girls in years past and hold an annual Quilters Getaway, in October, which brings people together working all day on their own projects. THA Homestead Quilters are proud to share the history and preservation methods of quilt and textile products.
The Homestead Quilters meet the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Mondays of the month at the Tumwater United Methodist Church located at 1401 Lake Park Drive in Tumwater from 11 am to 1 pm.
We are a fun group who truly enjoys people and quilting. If you have any interest in quilts, have questions, or want to learn how to quilt, this is the place to be. We would love to have you join us!
Call us at (360) 943-7527 or (360) 943-1383 for additional information.
Quilter's Getaway
Last Saturday of October
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Olympic's West Retirement Inn
929 Trosper Road SW, Tumwater
Phone (360) 943-7527
Click HERE for a Brochure